If you are lucky in life and then God will allow you to cross paths with people who will become your dear friends. Friends serve a unique purpose in life in many cases they come and go through different stages in your life and if you are really lucky you have a few who will become friends of the heart and they will be with you through lots of different stages. I have watched my dad and my grandmom have these kinds of friends span over decades. I am very lucky to have one of these friends in my life, Paige. We started our careers together several years ago and we became fast friends. We traveled a lot together for work and so we got to know each other really well. When I moved away we remained close. She is very special to me and today my heart is heavy for my dear friend because she is having surgery on her brain. She is having a tumor removed and I am praying that the surgeons are doing God's work today and that she will be ok. If you are reading this please say a prayer for her.

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