So in case you missed the news last week we were snowed in- ALL WEEK. Nate is like his momma and does not care much for snow or being stuck indoors so it was a trying week. It was a challenge to keep Nate busy and still manage the work emails because thanks to the blackberry and the computer corporate america does not really take snow days anymore. The good news is that the power stayed on and we had plenty to eat and Nate loves a good snuggle so we stayed warm.
However, this week of snow confirmed that I am a southern to the core and I do not care for that cold white stuff.(Hence, the new blog background.) Nate does not seem to like it much either. My highlight of the week was when we finally got in the car this weekend and I when I opened the car door to strap Nate in and Bob Marley was playing on the radio and Nate smiled at me. We had a moment as those Jamaican jams took us to some place warm. It warmed my heart.
love the snow pics! We had a snow day but no snow just ice...but atleast I got a day off!