Wow. Nate is 3 months old. You can see his 3 month Kermit the frog picture and I was actually able to capture him mid smile. He is very smiley but my camera is not quick enough to catch his smiles. He always looks like a deer in headlights but I promist he smiles- a lot. He was on a playdate with his budy Lucas and you may have to crook you head to see the picture. Nate also went on a girls night with me. He was such a good boy to sleep in his pack-n-play so mommy could have some girl talk and fondue.
This last picture makes me laugh. Nate is wondering why his wardrobe is a post card for the places his grandparents visited this summer.
I just love this website and watching my Nate baby grow..it is such a great idea. Karuna and I went shopping yesterday and I got him the cutest outfits!!! I can't wait to send them. See you soon. Love Auntie Niki