If you know me, then you know that I think birthdays are a big deal. Or at least a big reason to celebrate. I love birthday parties and I usually plan
a nice birthday celebration for myself when May 8th rolls around. The two pictures at the top are from my 28th birthday party which was an 80s music dance party. We had a great time and all our friends were great sports to dress up and go along with the theme party. This year my brithday came only a few days after we returned home from the hosptial so it was a little more low key. Bonnie was very sweet and brought is some pizza and a yummy ice cream cake to celebrate. We took turns holding Nate so we could eat cake in shifts. Rob is holding my present while I blow out the candles. I am looking forward to planning some birthday celebrations for Nate. I hope he likes birthday parties as much as I do. What a way to start my 29th year as we celebrated Nate's arrival. I am saving up my party for the big 3-0 next year!

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